Companies/individuals seeking certification course approved must submit materials directly to the Board for review. Materials required are a syllabus of the course and resumes of the course author(s) and instructor(s). These items should be emailed to Janet Robinson no later than 30 days before the next scheduled board meeting. The AESBL Executive Director will inform the applicant, in writing, of the Board’s decision regarding approval.

Companies/individuals seeking continuing education course approval must submit materials to either the Alabama Alarm Association or the Alabama Locksmith Association for review. Course materials will be reviewed by committees established by both associations, and the Directors of each respective association will inform the applicant, in writing, of their committee’s decision regarding approval.


Alabama Alarm Association
Heather Davis, Executive Director
Phone: 334-721-5806

Alabama Locksmith Association
Barbara McGowin, President
Phone: 205-552-8200